This resource follows Ontario's Grade 8 History curriculum. Students will learn everything they need to know about the creation of Canada informally. The text was designed to engage them with relevant comparisons, humour, and sarcasm.
With a 4.6 rating on TPT, it's worth a look. Read for yourself:
Graziella S.: "After laughing out loud, a student said he was surprised by the jokes. He wasn't used to that from other notes and books".
Lindsay G.: "My students enjoyed this different way of learning History! We had some good laughs throughout - hoping there is one for Stand B soon"!
Many students don’t enjoy reading because the content is often very dry and bland. Most books get straight to the point, losing student interest from the get-go. This packet is written a little differently. It’s informal, and it has jokes. It’s a short unit, but it has tons of information.
I’ve also included some chapter quizzes (written and online via Google forms). Also, to add a little spice to my unit, I put some QR codes and links that lead to various YouTube videos. Hold a camera over the QR code, and a drop-down menu will appear! I hope that it keeps them engaged.
Use these sheets as consolidation assignments or discussion topics! The content of this packet is relevant and accurate. It will not impede their understanding.
✬This Unit has 6 Chapters:
- Chapter 1: Who, Where, and Why?
- Chapter 2: You Think You Got It Good? Think Again.
- Chapter 3: Money, Money, Money, Money, MONEY
- Chapter 4: Impossible Is for The Unwilling
- Chapter 5: The Politics of It All
- Chapter 6: We're All the Same, Right?
- BONUS CHAPTER - Added 2021/02/23 - It's Aliiivveeeeeee
✬It also includes:
- Answer Keys for every chapter
- Questionnaires for each chapter (paperback and google forms)
- Study Questions
- Unit Test
- Embedded link and QR code page to educational videos
Grade 8 Ontario History Unit Workbook - Creating Canada 1850-1890
8th, Homeschool
Social Studies - History, Canadian History, Other (Social Studies - History)
Worksheets, Unit Plans, Independent Work Packet