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This resource follows Ontario's Grade 8 History curriculum. Students will learn everything they need to know about the creation of Canada informally. The text was designed to engage them with relevant comparisons, humour, and sarcasm. 


With a 4.6 rating on TPT, it's worth a look. Read for yourself: 


Graziella S.: "After laughing out loud, a student said he was surprised by the jokes. He wasn't used to that from other notes and books".


Lindsay G.: "My students enjoyed this different way of learning History! We had some good laughs throughout - hoping there is one for Stand B soon"!


Many students don’t enjoy reading because the content is often very dry and bland. Most books get straight to the point, losing student interest from the get-go. This packet is written a little differently. It’s informal, and it has jokes. It’s a short unit, but it has tons of information.


I’ve also included some chapter quizzes (written and online via Google forms). Also, to add a little spice to my unit, I put some QR codes and links that lead to various YouTube videos. Hold a camera over the QR code, and a drop-down menu will appear! I hope that it keeps them engaged.

Use these sheets as consolidation assignments or discussion topics! The content of this packet is relevant and accurate. It will not impede their understanding. 


This Unit has 6 Chapters:
- Chapter 1: Who, Where, and Why? 
- Chapter 2: You Think You Got It Good? Think Again. 
- Chapter 3: Money, Money, Money, Money, MONEY
- Chapter 4: Impossible Is for The Unwilling
- Chapter 5: The Politics of It All 
- Chapter 6: We're All the Same, Right? 
- BONUS CHAPTER - Added 2021/02/23 - It's Aliiivveeeeeee

It also includes:
- Answer Keys for every chapter
- Questionnaires for each chapter (paperback and google forms)
- Study Questions
- Unit Test
- Embedded link and QR code page to educational videos


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Grade 8 Ontario History Unit Workbook - Creating Canada 1850-1890

C$4.99 Regular Price
C$4.49Sale Price

    8th, Homeschool


    Social Studies - History, Canadian History, Other (Social Studies - History)


    Worksheets, Unit Plans, Independent Work Packet





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