The curriculum will teach students fundamental science and technology concepts and skills and connect them to real life to prepare students for success now and in the future. Throughout the grades and areas of learning, students learn to apply their understanding with increasing sophistication.
The revised curriculum describes the knowledge and skills that students are expected to learn. It is organized in five areas with STEM skills and connections being taught and assessed throughout all areas of learning.
STEM skills and connections
use research, experimentation and engineering design to foster critical thinking, scientific and technological literacy, and problem-solving
investigate real-world problems and make connections between science, technology, other subject areas and social, economic, and environmental issues that impact our lives
understand and apply safety procedures and communicate their findings and results.
Life systems
explore the needs, characteristics, and changes related to living things, as well as how living things interact with each other and the importance of biodiversity
investigate human organ systems and develop an understanding of cells.
Matter and energy
explore energy uses and their various forms – including electrical energy, light and sound and their uses in everyday life
build their understanding of the transformations, properties and physical changes in matter such as liquids, solids and mixtures.
Structures and mechanisms
explore the relationship between the form, function, strength and stability of structures and the materials they are made of and the forces that act on them
develop their understanding of machines, building on the concept of simple machines to more complex machines and their mechanisms
apply their understanding of the forces and properties of air by designing and testing devices such as flying machines.
Earth and space systems
explore seasonal changes, air and water, soil, and rocks and minerals
investigate the conservation of energy, space, heat in the environment and water systems.